‘Fishing gives us time to think but a reason not to’

Who are we

Our Mission

How it started..

Who Are We
Emergency Carper is a non-profit organisation.
We are a group of people, predominantly emergency service staff/forces who fish as a way of maintaining mental wellness.
Latest Blog Entries
Check out our first YouTube Video
We are really excited to share with you our first ever YouTube video. In collaboration with ClubCarp we made this highlights reel of our social on St Johns, Li ...
We now have a YouTube channel
We have a brand new YouTube channel and want to fill it with some exciting stuff. Start this Sunday 09/07/23 when we will release our brand film made in conjun ...
Mission statement
“To provide therapy through fishing for anyone suffering from mental health issues. To empower and equip them to start and continue their own journey to good mental health and wellness.”
Pro angler Dave Levy supports our course.
Keep an eye out for him appearing at some of our events
Emergency Carper hold regular team & fundraising events, see our up coming events below..
Elphicks Fisheries (Kettles lake)
48hrs fishing competition with breakfast and diner included – A chance to socialise and win some great prizes – Tickets
Get an idea of what to expect by looking at photos from our previous events..
Linear Fisheries (St Johns) – May 2023
WOW what a weekend. The anglers managed to net 19 fish with a total of 324lb of carp seeing the bank and another 126lb of catfish! Pretty impressive from one o ...
Elphicks Fisheries – October 2022
Once again another fantastic social and fantastic fundraising event. It was great to catch up with some of our regular supporters and meet some faces as wel ...
Elphicks Fisheries – May 2022
This was our first standalone fundraising event and it could not have gone better. With sponsorship from our good friends at GES Colchester Electrical servi ...
There are plenty of ways to get involved with Emergency Carper.
If you would like to volunteer at our events or simply come along to one of our charity socials, or if you would like to donate equipment or money to assist, then please click here to contact us


Create a recognisable brand that everyone can trust.

Create a safe environment that people feel comfortable in approaching for help.

Be in a position to provide qualified coaches to help people start fishing.

Build a stock of fishing equipment to loan to people to help them learn how to fish.
Get involved in our fantastic cause
For the most up to date news and information about the charity visit our social media pages..